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Bluetooth Usb Dongle Wont Install

Hi all,

I just received the Bluetooth USB Dongle I bought from here. I cant get my Laptop to install it. When I place it in any USB port I get a message: USB Device Not Recognized. I tried to let Windows find software updates but it cant find any and Device Manage shows it as Unknown USB Device.

Any ideas? I cant find another people here having this problem that bought this Dongle.

I'm running Windows 7 (Upgraded from Vista on a Gateway laptop). The laptop never has had Bluetooth. WiFi works great.

Thanks for any help, Dave


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Seems like a defective unit, try another computer or usb port to rule out usb port problem. Mine works fine when plugged into a Windows 7 PC, it automatically detect as bluetooth device and install its own driver, takes less than 30 seconds. I have the same dongle at if you need shipping from USA.


Thanks for the help. I tried another port and got it to install.