South Korea
Asked — Edited

Battery Charging Question. 300Mv Difference Of Voltage Between Battery Pack

HI everyone

My initia is JB, 9 years old from south Korea. My father bought the revolution 6 when he was in LA USA on DEC 2016

For the first time, I managed to assemlbe this robot and connected wifi It worked well. I was so happy. Battery charging was also succefully done.

But 2nd time when I heard " My bettery is low" I connected SKYRC E3 for charging. But I found out All LED flashes six times and stop 1 second sign.

I followed up your instruction. Finally my input voltage is 4.97V The temperature is 24.34.

Now how to do for my Revolution 6? IS it a battery pack problem? or Balace charger has something wrong?

Please let me know how to solve this problem.. Waiting for your reply.

B.regards JB


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The "Battery is low" message was neglected, meanwhile connections were attempted even though the verbal warning was repeated.

You may Contact Us and see what the RMA department says, but you may need to purchase a new battery.

According to the usage log, the voltage before the battery monitor kicked in was...


2017-01-07 7:11:05 Setting battery monitor voltage: 7 2017-01-07 7:11:05 Setting battery protection: True 2017-01-07 7:11:05 Setting i2c rate: 100000 2017-01-07 7:11:05 EZ-B voltage is 7.091428824

The battery alarm would have gone off within seconds of that connection


2017-01-07 7:22:10 C:\Users\Public\Documents\EZ-Builder\Examples\Six.EZB Setting battery monitor voltage: 7 2017-01-07 7:22:10 C:\Users\Public\Documents\EZ-Builder\Examples\Six.EZB Setting battery protection: True 2017-01-07 7:22:10 C:\Users\Public\Documents\EZ-Builder\Examples\Six.EZB Setting i2c rate: 100000 2017-01-07 7:22:10 C:\Users\Public\Documents\EZ-Builder\Examples\Six.EZB EZ-B voltage is 6.330529326

11 minutes later, the battery voltage was 6.3v and you were still attempting connections from ARC repeatedily until the battery voltage got to 6.1v


2017-01-07 7:22:44 C:\Users\Public\Documents\EZ-Builder\Examples\Six.EZB Setting battery monitor voltage: 7 2017-01-07 7:22:44 C:\Users\Public\Documents\EZ-Builder\Examples\Six.EZB Setting battery protection: True 2017-01-07 7:22:44 C:\Users\Public\Documents\EZ-Builder\Examples\Six.EZB Setting i2c rate: 100000 2017-01-07 7:22:44 C:\Users\Public\Documents\EZ-Builder\Examples\Six.EZB EZ-B voltage is 6.102645720

Now you state the battery has been powered on enough to become 4.9v.

The battery is beyond repair and must be replaced. It is now a hazard and cannot be charged because the verbal battery warning had been neglected.

Advice is to replace the battery and drop the old battery off at a recycling facility. Please do not ignore the battery warning, as it was implemented to prevent this exact circumstance.

Thanks! And enjoy your Six when he's up and running again:D