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Basic Circuitry Free Course

Hi All, I'm going to share links between the different great groups I find as I research. Maybe you all know of these already but it's what I can offer at this time. So the first thing I want to share is a free online course in basic circuitry for those of us who are starting from zero! It begins July 22nd and looks great offered by folks from The Tinkering Studio and Exploratorium (San Fran). I will be sharing EZ robot with them every chance I get too. Online courses are really fun and this one looks terrific - lots of hands on projects and sharing with other folks in the course! Ask me if you have any questions about Coursera or online classes - I have lots of experience in this area! Carol


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For the more advanced, this one starts July 13th. Machine learning hosted by Stanford University.

The link isn't working because the word learn is being identified as something else - so you have to copy and paste

Just so you know I have no connection to Coursera other than I've taken their free online courses and loved them! They will try to get you to buy a formal certificate but it isn't necessary to complete the course successfully and get a grade and a statement of completion.


Those are great resources ! Thanks for sharing:)


Hi DJ - thanks for all your amazingness. Is there a way you can go in and edit the post so the word learn isn't isolated in the address?


Also, there is an education keyword initially but when I started a post it was no longer an option. I think that would be a great option as a keyword/topic rather than using the tutorial section - your thoughts?


Edit: Never mind... I thought I had a solution for posting links that contain the word learn, but nope....


Thanks for these resources. I'm going to try to find the time to take advantage.

We've been plagued with our codes and links not showing properly on this forum for years. With all the cool ideas and ingenious things coming out of EZ Robot and improvements that are being made to the web site I think they sometimes try to be a little too cute for their and our own good. There is a lot of stuff going on in the background like automatically adding links to other parts of the site based on words you type and auto formatting. Heck, I tried to add four question marks behind a sentence the other day and it cut three of them out when I posted. Really? ( I just tried to add 4 question marks just now). tired