New Zealand
Asked — Edited

Are Arbitrary Glyphs Possible?

Is there a way to add to the library of recognized glyphs? There are 4 pre-defined glyphs in the API. I would like to create an environment that uses about a dozen different glyphs. Does anyone know if there is any way to do that?



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New Zealand

Hey Hit lad,

I'm wanting to do the same.... Anyone out there know?

BTW... Where in NZ are you from?

I'm up in Whangarei...

New Zealand

Hi, Tameion; hi, Bill.

@Tameion - I'm afraid I'm rather far from you: I'm on the South Island but I'm from even further away (the States).

@Bill - Thanks for the info on Predator. According to the website, it can only track one object at the moment although it's an arbitrary object so it's pretty impressive nonetheless:) If using glyphs is ok (which it is for me), there's something called the ARToolkit, which can track multiple markers and allow augmented reality stuff to happen with 3D models (

Thanks for the feedback!
