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Ar.Drone 2.0 Support


It doesn't look like ARC recognizes the new AR.Drone 2.0 NavData and Video format? I'm not seeing this data in the UI. I can connect, but I don't get all the data.




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ARC does not support the AR Drone v2:)

More information can be found here:

Also, you will notice the AR Parrot Drone options within ARC have a "v1" included in the titles.

Every control has a ? next to the X (close) button. If you press that button on a control, you will be directed to a tutorial page for that control.


Thank you for the reply. Yes, I assumed this would be the case, as I haven't found any V2 AR.Drone resources. All the other API's and even LabView programs are all V1 only, and a bit of a hack at that, polling and directly writing bytes to a UDP port with very little handshaking. I was about to dust off WireShark and reverse engineer the 2.0 calls myself. I think Parrott is choosing to close up their platform and focus on consumers (makes sense for them). Their development forum hasn't been posted to in over a year. So I'm giving my 2 AR.Drone 2.0's to my sons! They are happy about that. I'm moving to ArduCopter for that aspect of my project. I love EZ-Robot (and just bought a second one)!


Fantastic:) your sons are lucky dudes! We have an AR Drone v2 sitting in an unopened box. I've asked the guys to locate the sdk. There hasn't been much progress on it. Seems your observation is correct - which is too bad because we provide a really really awesome GUI environment:)