Asked — Edited

An Evening Of Sushi And Sensors...

SO I had a bad Ping sensor in my kit, the guys at EZ-R were having a hell of a time convincing their distributor that it was really bad and were demanding that EZ-R PROVE IT before they would replace it. What a drag (and poor customer support on the Dist.'s side.)

In the meantime, Alan (the other 50% of EZ-R) is hanging out in Sunnyvale, CA. Get's a hold of me and says, Hey! I have a Ping sensor for you. As it turns out, I happen to live about 30 min. north of Sunnyvale.

So being the nice guy I am (GRIN), I tell Alan, dude, if you make the 30 min. drive up to me, dinner is on me!

SO in the end, I got a new Ping sensor (and yes! this one goes Ping! unlike the other one), Alan got a sushi dinner, and we both drank beer, talked robots, business, California, and most importantly, what sites he should see before he heads back.

Alan is one hell of a nice guy. If you ever have the opportunity to meet him, buy him a nice meal and chew the fat.

A fine evening. Thanks Alan!!!!:D


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