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Hi Ricky,

Have you used PandoraBots before? The concept is very similar. For the AIMLbot you'd download the plugin and run the installation to install it. Then add the AIML control to your project. Then you can test and experiment with it by typing to communicate with the chatbot it in the AIML control window because DJ preloaded it with AIML chatbot files.

The plugin page for the AIMLbot DJ also gave a script example and explained that he AIML files can be edited if you have the knowledge to do that.

Does that help you get started? Regards, -Justin


Hi Justin,

Thanks for your help!

I have tried "PandoraBot" before and I controlled by voice recognition with "Bing Speech Recognition". But how to write the script in the Bing Speech Recognition to connect with Aiml? Do you know how to do that?

Thanks a lot:) Ricky Ma


Hi Ricky,

To setup the AIMLbot with BING speech recognition and speech output from the AIMLchat bot you need end to enter a copy of lines of code in each configuration both controls. For the BING control, this is a screen shot of what you'll want to enter:

User-inserted image

ControlCommand("AimlBot", SetPhrase, $BingSpeech)

In the AIMLbot control you'll here is a screen shot of what you'll want to enter:

User-inserted image



Hi Justin,

Thanks for your help again:)

I followed your instruction and did copy-and-paste the script for each configuration. But it still not works! Do I need to input another scripts for the API Key?

User-inserted image

B. Regards Ricky Ma


Ricky, it looks like you have an outdated BING control. With the out dated control you do need an API key from yourown Microsoft azure account. Or you can open up ARC without a project loaded and you should be prompted to update the plugin. After the update you can use your BING control through your ARC account or optionally use your own api key.


Hi Justin,

Great! Appreciated for your help!

It works now after updated BING control:D:D:D

B. Regards Ricky Ma


You are welcome Ricky, I’m glad I could assist. Your Mark One is amazing. Is adding more intelligence your next steps with Mark One?


Hi Justin,

Of course! I wish the new Mark 1 is more intelligence with new construction in this year:) Moreover, it has more hardwares I need to enhance and modify.

Anyway, appreciated for your help again!

One more question, I found that the bing speech has quote limit. Do you have any idea?

User-inserted image

B.Regards Ricky Ma


That is correct Ricky. This thread discussed the issue and resolution with the updated BING control.

Because of the constant changes from Microsoft it had become harder and more confusing for customers and students to obtain their own API key for the BING speech. So EZ-Robot updated the plugin so that it runs be default under their own key and everyone currently has a daily limit. The limit was 100. Yours looks like it stopped at 200. DJ as already stated that EZ-Robot is still evaluating this limit for everyone and looking into an optional service fee.

However, if you click on the Configuration gear icon of the BING control and then click on Advanced you'll have the option to setup your own API keys.

You can obtain your own API keys from Microsoft which are free for the BING speech recognition currently but you do have to sign up to have an account with them. Doing so will allow you up to 5000 transactions a month I believe before you would have to start paying for the service.


That is all correct Justin. I use my own key. It was not too much trouble to set it up. I like having both options. One is well packaged by EZR and ease of use by using a global key. You still have the option to use your own key with a little more effort.


Hi all,

Thanks for your information and suggestion:)

B. Regards Ricky Ma


Hi Justin,

Thanks for you help on "sayezb script" topic. The sayezb (testing 1) script is worked for "client mode" setting. Thanks a lot!

"Talking servo" function is been sync with the mouth movement when speaking. But in this case, it was disable when I used the EZ-B's speaker.

So, do you know, how to make it be sync with "Talking servo" function when I use the EZ-B's speaker?

Thanks for your help again:D


Ricky, as you have multiple EZBs make sure you have the correct board selected under the Talk servo control settings on the control and clicking on the drop down of the board selection and picking the correct EZB because the default will always be 0.

The Gear icon of all the controls is where you will find the options to set such things and because you robot has multiple EZB you'll run into issue like this where you need to make sure the options are setup correctly for your controls.


What files do you edit to make your own responses?


ok thank you for the site

#19   — Edited

I have been studying AimlBot for a little while, the net has so much -  I think I figured out enough to get started, thanks

I know the files are local, however I still have to be on the net  with the bing speech module