Every second time I go to use my robot I get the attached error message and if the project is accidently saved on closing the software, I lose much of the content of my project. I have already paid AU$150 for my annual subscription so this message should not appear and put my projects at risk. Worst of all, it can happen when I have a group of people in front of me expecting my robot to be demonstrated. Can you please fix this problem? It is amateurish and unacceptable. I' be amazed you have not had numerous complaints about this issue. How are people supposed to operate their robots with this subscription error popping up on a regular basis? Some venues I go to with my robots won't have internet access to sort it out when if occurs.
I can see how that can be frustrating. Your local subscription cache file had expired because it hadn't had an internet connection in 7 days. When you connect to the internet and press RETRY, does it not refresh the subscription plan file?
Also, can you confirm it this happened with the latest Early Access build?
Perhaps if your robot computer doesn't always have an internet connection, i'll have a countdown to let you know when an internet connection is required to reset the local subscription cache. The subscription cache is updated when either RETRY is selected on that prompt with an internet connection -or- if an internet connect is available during startup of ARC.
I'll also add a button that you an simply press when there's an internet connection to refresh the local subscription cache
. That way, before you attend a venue without internet, simply press the refresh button ahead of time and your robot will be good to go.
I'll publish an update tonight for you so it doesn't happen again.
Thanks for your help. But the way I operate is when using ARC I connect to my robot and never the internet. Also I don't think it is good practice to invalidate an annual subscription plan after 7 days. I doubt it would be legal in Australia. What about people who have no internet at their workplace or home? I always appreciate your feedback either way but I feel obliged to comment on this. Am I the only one?
I'm always listening and working to help you with every post, you won't be left unheard. We never invalidate your plan - merely the cached subscription. ARC is a cloud based subscription which requires the internet for occasional refresh. Otherwise, there would be no way to validate
. In order to update arc, use some skills and any of the cloud features, internet is required. I do have a solution which will work for you needs in the upcoming update. Stay tuned
Here you go
Now i must sleep!