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ARC And Go Pro

Hi, I noticed that the "No DLL's found in the waterfall procedure" has come back in the later versions if Go Pro is installed. Has this bug been reintroduced? I know that I can fix this issue by deleting files but I thought this had been fixed in the ARC software itself.

Could somebody advise? Thank you and Happy Hoildays! Akhila


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!


Was not fixed in ARC. It is a GoPro bug and effects many apps other than ARC.

Need to push GoPro to fix their crappy software (I love their cameras, own three. Their editing software is junk).



Go pro has been notified by us and thousands of other software packages to fix it. Google will help you with information about this topic, as its plaguing the video industry with their lack of standards.

It's impossible for us to do anything about it. Because in order to scan to see if there is a go pro, it crashes. There's no way to check for a go pro without crashing. So there's no way to avoid crashing without crashing. Its a no win situation. Their driver merely makes all direct show implementations crash.

Wish we had better news - but it's at the mercy of their software.


Thank you for clearing that up so quickly. Happy New Year!