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A Little Assistance Please.

I realize that this is way off topic; however.............................I am having a problem that I am hoping one of you computer guru's might be able to help me with. I am trying to install some new hardware on Windows 7, 64 bit, home premium. When I plug the hardware in I DO NOT get the "found new hardware" window. When I check Device manger I find it listed under "Other Devices" I can see COM & LTP but when I right click on it (properties) I only get a window that contains "COM & LPT" and nothing else. I can't find a way to view or reassign other COM ports. I can find a file for the device under downloads and I can even open an IDE that will accept programming. It will compile/ verify then when I attempt to upload the program I get error messages saying the drivers for hardware are not installed. I can find a file that seems to contain the drivers but I can't install the drivers from that file! I'm sure there must be a way to open and access COM ports; to see what devices are installed and what COM ports they are on. I just don't know how to access that info! Would appreciate any assistance. Thanks


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I resolved my problem. Sometimes ya jus gotta stay determined!!!


Brilliant work. Remember, persistence is always the key, especially where technology is involved.