— Edited
HI! everyone..
I have been using Visual C# and I can not do to work the examples... in every example of the SDK I have this problem...
If someone can help me?
I am Using Windows 7 x64 4GB ram Amd Phenom x4
I bet you haven't followed the instructions in the readme.txt file
OOHh!!! haha sorry Dj.... I am starting.... hahah I am a noob jajaj!
Hehehe that's okay
that question gets asked a lot by sdk users.
Readme files are usually pretty uninteresting. That one is important!
yeah.. we are learning... mmm only one favor more.. can you give one example to use pwm for example in port D1 I want to send 5v...???
(now i am making the contro of hbridge with pwm...)
because only this part.. i can not understand... thanks!
If you want +5 then you don't want PWM. PWM allows you to vary the voltage. For example, if you wanted +2.5 volts, than you would use PWM.
For +5, you can use the Digital functions.. Here's an example..
and for PWM on D0 you can use this
is working!! thanks!...
I have a lot of things to do with sdk!