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DJ, is there a way to convert the EZ-B to use USB or RS232 to communicate with the host PC? I'm considering using a mini or nano-itx mobo to embed a PC into the robot and using BT in such a scenario is rather superfluous. Was hoping I could pull off the BT module and stick on a USB module/adapter. Thanks...
A USB to Serial adapter could be used. I have never tested it, but in theory it should be fine. The pins on the EZ-B for the bluetooth are marked TX and RX respectively.
Do you have 2.1 or 3?
I have the latest V3s. Sounds like another mini project... Is it possible to purchase an EZ-B minus BT module or plus USB/serial adapter?
Perhaps this FTDI Basic Breakout (5V) would be a good USB alternative with a little pin matching...
Or maybe this super tiny Pololu USB-to-Serial Adapter...
Hello Radmeck, I'll can give it a shot for you as I have plenty of access to USB-TTL serial adapters.
Actually if you're looking at other serial communication alternatives I have already successfully tested the EZ-B with a Long range RF networking modules made by Synapse Wireless that just connected to the TX and RX lines of the EZ-B and I powered it with the 3.3V regulator on board the EZ-B as well. This extended the range of communication to over 200 ft. from indoors at my PC to the EZ-B outdoors.
Here's links for compatible serial communication items that are sold at HVWtech/Solarbotics:
TTLy FTDI Xbee Module Synapse Module Sparkfun FTDI Basic Breakout
Oops I forgot to mention that there is also the RS-232 Driver Module if you'd rather use a serial COM port directly assuming you have one on your Mini/Nano-ITX board.
Outstanding! Thanks for the info and links. Curious about the Synapse modules. How do they compare to XBee?
Hey No prob, So here's some info to take into account when comparing the 2 systems:
Synapse RF100PC6 Module Features:
Real world Synapse test: Communication range of over 225 ft. from indoors through many walls & a metal outer structure to an outdoor location.
Real world Xbee Series 1 test: Communication range of around 40 ft. with 1 obstructing wall.
Although the Xbee series 2 and 2.5 do have upgraded specs, they still don't seem to be able to catch up to the Synapse Modules in terms of capability. Truth be told though, the Xbees are still the cheaper system.
Thanks for the info! Will definitely have to look into them further when I'm ready to loosen the reigns on my creations...