— Edited

Hello @ptp
I want to use head follow position in ur project as ARC in anther words when jd detect face his head follow that face I've tried to use tutorial 4 in sdk# but I couldn't reach my needs would u help me plz ?
The project code does not seem right.
I'll take better look later.
@ptp Hello , sorry for disturbance dear eng but is there any answer for my ques ?
Sorry, long weekend due to public holiday.
main code logic:
full example: https://github.com/ppedro74/ez-robot-form-application
*** Very important ***
while developing or playing with JD please pay attention to the JD's servos.
Check if they are not being pushed more than their physical limits.
ignoring this can lead to serious servo damages.
the following code defines the limits per servo:
is important to preset the head servos values before start tracking, otherwise their default positions are 0,0 below the allowed limits.