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2.4 Ghz Wireless Camera

Two questions on the camera! FYI I viewed the video... actually several times!

  1. Is there a close up pic available of the signal wire where it is soldered to the camera board? Looks easy on the video and then I look at the board.... help is appreciated!

  2. By soldering the signal wire the wireless function isn't needed? As in the antennae, software and dongle aren't required?

Thanks for any help! #1 is most important... If I do that right I can figure out #2.


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  1. Look at this thread: Click

  2. No, you'll always need a dongle. There isn't enough open bandwidth in the bluetooth connection for a streaming camera image. In order to have the ez-b as responsive and fast as it is, it takes up all of the bandwidth (cpu and communication bandwith) on the EZ-B.

The EZ-B runs at 40 mhz and has zero free cycles. Literally, zero. It's coded to an absolute maximum loop. Every PID shares the processing time. There are no NOOP's anywhere in the code. Even the Serial timing is based on background PID's. It's kinda neat to imagine how I packed it all in there.:)