Live Robot Hack Session

Treat-O-Matic 2020 Live Hack Part #6 The Finale Redo

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Treat-o-matic Live Hack (Part 6) The Finale Redo!

Well, the idea of this robot was to have trick-or-treaters interact with the Treat-o-matic to have it dispense candy automatically for them, but the date came and went. Now, this robot still needs to be completed and with a new purpose. Join me as I keep hack this candy claw machine to see what we can do with it! Lend me your minds!

Here's the plan this week:

  • Show off how far the hack has come along
  • Hack in a Camera - maybe?
  • Find a new purpose for the candy claw
  • Test which candy works best to use with the claw
  • Test all the hardware and make the next steps on the program
  • Finish and test it!

I also have the alternate goal of embedding a computer running ARC within all my new robots, Computer-based robots are the future!

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Ha ha nice, we may need this so Santa can drop Gifts down the chimney from the roof to avoid the Covid cooties!xD



the fianle  ?


Thanks, Nomad, fixed it!


I forgot to mention that in this live hack I did a bit of testing of the Rock Pi X, if anyone is interested!