Live Robot Hack Session

Rock em' Sock em' Robots Live Hack.....Wednesday of wonder!

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Rock em' Sock em' Robots Live Hack (Part 2)

Note: This hack has been changed to Wednesday night due to a meeting time change.

I've always loved the look of the Rock'em Sock'em Robots game but absolutely hated the feel of it. My goal will to robotize the game. I'll be adding in Micro HDD servos for the punching arms and 2 mini gantry systems for the X-Y movement. I'd like the game to feel like a real life super punch out! I hope to add the capability to play with two players (USB joysticks), or against an A.I. opponent. I'd also like to incorporate the power glove in some way. While I'm not a fan of robot violence I do have a special place in my heart for friendly, non-destructive, competition.

I will continue to tweak the hardware and I hope to get into some of the software with EZ-Builder.

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This is going to be awesome. Looking forward to watching it.


I am on my farm now, no internet, only my hotspot

Can I watch this at a later date?



Yep! I think it takes a little while to process, give it an hour, then you should be able to watch the whole thing at your leisure:D


lol, so much bush-hogging - no leisure,

I will watch it when I get back, how did it go?


It went well! I just worked on the Blue bot ("Blue Bomber") to get the proof of concept figured out.

Accomplished in Part 2:

  • The X-Y gantry is attached together and is able to move around freely
  • figured out that I need to sacrifice stepping speed in order to have more stepper torque
  • Cleaned up mounting brackets that were sticking out on the gantry
  • figured out how to use micro servos to activate the punching arms
  • figured out how to mount and position the servos
  • mounted wood screws to the arm activation buttons (in the feet) to extend them for the servos

Challenges still left to do:

  • Mount the gantry to the ring
  • Mount Blue Bomber to the the gantry
  • Repeat everything for Red Rocker
  • Figure out a sensor system for the head popping
  • Figure out why I can only control 3 out of 4 steppers at the same time
  • Figure out how to receive serial commands on the Arduino to move the stepper motors
  • Software for: Player vs Player. Player vs AI, and AI vs AI.

Wow, I didn't realize there was so much to do with this hack, I think it's going to turn into another series like the power glove lolxD


haha blue bomber awesome name.and the other red rocket maybe?


@Nomad you are very close on the Red bot's name!

User-inserted image


haha thats cool.ah there comes the name from rock em sock em ?


Great going, waiting to see the final product

Best of luck!


Thanks for doing this Jeremie. It's very interesting and fun to watch. I'm learning a lot. You're a real artisan. I can't wait to see the end result.


Well I figured out why I couldn't drive 4 stepper motors at the same time with the CNC Shield. My 12V 1A wall adapter was rated too low. I needed more current. I switched to a 12V 1.5A wall adapter and all was good!

I also figured out that I didn't need A4 and A5 to control axis A (the 4th axis) I could just use the jumper settings (just above the voltage input) to select D12 and D13 (and add them in the test code).

Well that's one less challenge to solve for the next hack night!:D