Live Robot Hack Session

Live Hack! Power Glove hack....the last one?

4 people have subscribed to this event

Related Hardware Arduino Genuino Uno

NEW UPDATE Gonna start an hour later than normal, just helping a friend at the moment.

The Power glove is so awesome! But why should a classic piece of hardware be kept on a dusty shelf?!? I'm going to do my best to give the power glove new life as a wireless controller. The goal is to connect it wirelessly to a computer in order to control robots with it.

In Part 4 you'll get to see a hardware guy struggle again as I write more python code to make the buttons, accelerometer and flex sensors work with the synapse modules! I'll also be integrating the Teensy 2.0 module to make this a USB device. Wireless USB?!? Unheard of!

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