Asked — Edited

Rover Roli On Steroids Battery Extension

Hello, everyone,

I would like to introduce you to my conversion of the Rover Roli, converted to a battery changing system. I have many batteries of this system lying around here, 18V system from 2Ah to 5.2Ah - Einhell Power X-Change Battery System

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A step down converter to 7.5V and a small one to 5V were installed:

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I also took care of sufficient ventilation:

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Works very well, now nothing stands in the way of a longer journey, possibly on Mars ;- )

Here are the files created for the project:

Akku_Adapterplatte_Neu.stl Lueftungsgitter.stl StepDown Platte.stl The battery adapter is not mine, I got it from here: Adapter Einhell Power X-Change - Regards Uwe


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#1   — Edited

Very cool.  How much time do you get between battery swaps?

I always wanted to turn Roli into a robot weeder for the lawn. Run around the lawn look for weeds and spray each individual weed with a small amount of weed killer.

I figured it would make a great prototype for a commercial product. Pretty sure ARC has everything you need to make that happen. Lidar, location track, AI/ML, Servos, camera etc


I can't say exactly yet, I still have the first 2Ah battery inside for testing without having changed it once. The original battery is always empty after a few minutes. Have to test it more closely, the original battery has 1.3 Ah at 7.4V, this one now has 2 Ah at 18V minus the losses from the StepDown converter ...

I always wanted to turn Roli into a robot weeder for the lawn. Run around the lawn look for weeds and spray each individual weed with a small amount of weed killer. Good idea, the only question is, can Roli drive it through grass?

I'm excited about the community and ARC, accidentally stumbled across it while looking for updates on InMoov. I made an InMoov about 1/3, head and chest, but haven't done anything with it for 3 years. Now I stumbled across ARC and thought I'd start with Roli to gain experience.

Yes, lidar is another topic that interests me, I ordered a RockPi, should the days arrive, and then we'll see how I can get it in the Roli ...



roli curiosity . very nice project . ARC on mars .

#4   — Edited

here is my InMoov:

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With an Intel NUC inside (i7, 16GB, 1TB NVMe) 2x Arduino Mega, MS Cams, Kinect all additional boards etc. I also have all the servos here that are necessary to finish it, all printed with ABS. But I haven't done anything with him for at least 3 years. I'm toying with the idea of switching it to ARC, but first I'm playing with Roli to get to know ARC better...


thanks, just found your experiences with the RockPi X, hope everything goes well when mine comes ....