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Remember This == DJ'S Creation And Brain Child.

Remember this? @Dj's creation and brain child in action. It's a v2 EZB bringing my robot to life. "It's Alive". I'd never seen anything as cool as this. I really miss the "heartbeat" LED that made it look alive.

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That heartbeat is actually from Alan. When I was timing the pulse I called Alan over and asked if he wanted to be memorialized. So we took his heart beat and recorded it. Neat eh?

are you using that ezb? That’s great it’s still being used. There’s so much legacy code in ARC to make sure those old ezbs still work.

don’t worry, it’ll work in ARCx too!



That heartbeat is actually from Alan. When I was timing the pulse I called Alan over and asked if he wanted to be memorialized. So we took his heart beat and recorded it.
No way! That's so cool. A human heart beat on board one of the most amazing robot controller's available at that time. I had no idea.

Actually I've rebuilt most everything in this in the pictures I posted above and most of my entire robot. As part of that rebuild I sent in all my V2 EZB's when you were offering the rebate and upgraded everything to the V4 EZB's.

One of the many things that impress me about the early EZ-Robot and now the Synthiam days are the level of customer support you provide and the sense of community. It's mind blowing how you have always and continue to bend over backwards to keep your customers happy and up and running.