
My Custom Voice Of Colossus With Arc Speech Synthesis And Speech Settings

I was experimenting with the various effects achievable using the basic speech settings skill in ARC. It's truly impressive how the Speech TTS (Text-to-Speech) skills have been enhanced compared to the 2016 ARC version! I really appreciate all the updates DJ has implemented since the global pandemic, LOL!

Here's a video showcasing some of the effects:


Upgrade to ARC Pro

With Synthiam ARC Pro, you're not just programming a robot; you're shaping the future of automation, one innovative idea at a time.


That's wicked - very terminator-esque for sure! I wanted an effects filter set like that so I could make a wall-e talk hahaha. Glad you got good use out of it:D


Hey thanks DJ you have improved the ARC speech skill so much since I was using back in 2016 with EZ builder. So totally fun to play on my robot with that voice on the Roomba. I cant wait to see what else is different in Arc!


When I was playing around with this years back, other than Cepstral's effects, I was actually using guitar pedals for these effects. (chorus, flanger, delay, and a pitchshifter) as you might know these take up space, so I was so excited to see these effects are now integrated into ARC! Badass


Very cool, great sound

I use audacity for my robot voice


Oh ya, just enjoying how many wicked sci-fi voices I can make for the robot by just changing the dial settings very slightly in the super Pitch,Flanger and Chorus. Simple audio program but that's what makes it great, it has exactly what is needed to get your custom voice in the Speech settings skill! Once you start it is hard to quit all that Fun! The Iconic StarTrek Borg was not too hard to duplicate here.


Hahah that's well done! Totally the borg!!!


Hey Ya DJ once I hit that sweet spot in the super Pitch, I just instantly heard the Borg voice, I was not even trying for that ,was trying more for Darth Vader but that Borg just clicked by accident,LOL! Too much fun with this skill, but I really need to move on with other programs even though getting addictive on headphones.

#9   — Edited

@Athena ,how do I save my Custom speech settings when the one button says copy values to script? It then says it will copy script to clipboard , but am I supposed to open up another script and paste the values in there? Or do I just use the script in the connections as innit script? A bit confusing as I was having trouble saving the speech settings.


Well I thought about how best to get loud audio on the Roomba create2 so when it vacuums I will be able to hear the voices or music. Just by adding a good power bank will run the amp sucking Bluetooth google speaker for a few hours. EZB just uses the Roomba power source. Colossus the super A.I. Is alive again!:D

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Well this news is a bit distressing ,it is a favorite sci fi film that was always easy to watch and with my Roomba project ,was hoping to watch again but something is up! Edit..Just now Trump announces 500 billion dollar deal for "Colossul" Infrastructure A.I. Bill A massive A.I. complex to start building, I see.I think Tump is amazing but don't think he ever saw that movie Forbin Project, does not end well.:D

#12   — Edited

Well wow! I just watched the new Star Trek section 31. The smart bomb at the end seems to be using Synthiam ARC voice speech setting! Sounds very familiar to what I was working with!


Colossus ie: Skynet ie: Chatbot GP....Drones ie: HK Terminators.... its coming...