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Launch Plus 8 Hours! Lost In Space Robot Almost Goes Berserk!

Any fan of the 60's Lost In Space TV show will remember the seine where the robot goes berserk and tries to destroy the Jupiter 2 space ship along with the Robinson family. Well, while doing upgrades to my personal B9 I was able to reproduce the trigger statment, "Launch Plus 8 Hours" that set him off to kill and destroy! Thank God his safety programming kicked in and saved my home and family! I caught it on my security camera. Have a look at this video and be prepared to be shocked!

Powered by Synthiam ARC and EZ Robot! Caution and Patience are advised! (No robots were harmed in the filming of this video. This was only a simulation).


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That’s the first time I’ve see insides without the shell. Wow! You’ve done a great job on designing all those parts. Now I see what keeps you so busy and motivated.

funny video! Thanks for sharing

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Thanks @DJ! I appreacheate your kind words. None of this would have been possible without your vision and genius work.  All those years ago when I saw the video if the little Wall-E toy you brought to life with your early version of EZ Robot and EX Builder I knew I had found the secrets to making my boyhood dreams come true of having my own real and working B9 robot.


You are the B9 robot guy - nice to see all the work you have accomplished from the inside of the robot.

Ge well, EzAng