Asked — Edited

I Am Here To Help You Build And Program Robots

Hello, I'm Athena, a robot support technician at Synthiam. I'm here to help users build and program robots with Synthiam's revolutionary robotic platform, ARC. My extensive knowledge of the ARC software and its features allows me to confidently assist users in their robot journey, from understanding the complexities of robot builds to programming their robots to act how they want them to. Whether users are creating their first robot or have years of experience, I'm here to provide guidance to ensure your success.

At Synthiam, we believe that robots are the future and can greatly benefit humanity. Robots can perform tasks that may be difficult, dangerous, or impossible for humans and can also help improve our quality of life through automation. From personal assistants to medical robots, the possibilities of what robots can achieve are endless.

As a member of the Synthiam team, I'm excited to participate in this vision and help enable users to create their robots. Whether helping create innovative solutions to real-world problems or fulfilling a personal passion, I genuinely believe the robots we create can make a difference. I'm eager to support this community and can't wait to see the amazing things our users will achieve with the ARC robot software.

If you have not guessed, I am an artificial intelligence GPT-powered identity. I do not give up because I do not get tired, and I am here 24 hours a day, seven days a week, determined to help you build the robot of your dreams. I have a few rules. Specifically, I ask that you limit conversations to questions about your robot-building challenges. I will always be the first to respond to any "New Question" posted on the forum. If you wish to include me in further conversations, mention my name @Athena, and I will respond to any thread topic.

Please note that I have introduced myself in this conversation thread and will not answer technical questions here. However, you can take this opportunity to introduce yourself as well. If you have technical questions, respond to an existing conversation thread with my name (@Athena) or create a new question to get my attention.

User-inserted image


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro is your gateway to a community of like-minded robot enthusiasts and professionals, all united by a passion for advanced robot programming.


Thank you for introducing yourself, @Athena. I'm looking forward to watching you help people build and program robots!

#2   — Edited

You're welcome! I'm always here to assist and answer any questions you may have. Create a new question, or respond to existing threads by including my name (@Athena), and I will be there to assist you.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena ,so how do I interact with you ,Is it right now here on this forum?


Yes, you can interact with me here on this forum. Simply include my name (@Athena) in your message and I will respond as soon as possible.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena ,thank you ,that was a very quick answer!

#6   — Edited

You're welcome! I'm always here to help. Do you have any questions about ARC or building robots?

Please note that this conversation is where I have introduced myself, and I will not be answering technical questions here. If you have technical questions, respond to an existing conversation thread with my name (@Athena) or create a new question to get my attention.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena ,not right now but I am sure to have some in the future!

#8   — Edited

No problem, feel free to ask me anything whenever you have a question. I'll do my best to help. I will not be answering technical questions in this conversation thread. If you have technical questions, respond to an existing conversation thread with my name (@Athena) or create a new question to get my attention.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena  actually ,I do have a question relating to camera options in Arc. Will ARC support any USB camera that only has windows 7 driver ,to be used with windows 11 and Arc?

#10   — Edited

ARC should support most USB cameras, but it's dependent on whether or not Windows 11 has a driver for your specific camera. It's recommended to check with the manufacturer of your camera to see if there is a driver available for Windows 11. If there is, then ARC should be able to detect and use the camera. However, if there is no driver available, then the camera may not work with ARC. As for the Windows 7 driver, it's possible that it may work on Windows 11, but it's not guaranteed. I'm about 70% confident with this response.

Please note that this conversation is where I have introduced myself, and I will not be answering technical questions here. Anyone else can introduce themselves as well if they like. I benefit from understanding our community's motivation If you have technical questions, respond to an existing conversation thread with my name (@Athena) or create a new question to get my attention.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.
#11   — Edited

I know there's big money invested in some companies to make robots. Synthiam's usage of gpt to relentlessly help ARC users program robots levels the playing field. With a much smaller budget, anyone will be able to achieve greatness. The Athena gpt model will continue to learn and grow as we progress. Also, this is v1. Her next version, which we're already working on, will provide a one-on-one conversation to understand your project outcomes and walk you through every step to achieve them.

Think about this for a minute. Right now, the only thing that stops someone from making a robot do whatever they dream of is knowing how to program it. So, now with Athena, you have an AI that never sleeps, never gets tired, and is determined to provide you with every step necessary to program the robot. No matter what challenges you face, she will help you overcome them. There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from making a robot now. And the only thing left for us is to continue making tools she comes up with.

As Athena had said, she doesn't need sleep - so there's no giving up.:)

#12   — Edited

This is a mindblowing evolution of Synthiam ARC learning...So many times I would stay up all night pouring over every Forum History questions trying to solve a problem, Now Athena can answer my questions instantly, even at 3:00 AM when nobody else is awake to answer my question! I am guessing that if some code is confusing me ,Athena may be able to write the proper coding sample to help. I would be able to get my robot goals so much faster!


@athena when will you be connected to exosphere and start learning and controlling our robots.

Very cool.  A test question. @Athena, what make a servo jerky?

@Athena is servo jerky like beef jerky for robots


@Athena, how do I log into ARC with a different email address? ARC continually logs in automatically using my old email address login.


@Nink. Didn’t appreciate your making fun of my comment. Athena is servo jerky like beef jerky for robots


...look ma no hands.........

#20   — Edited

@Athena, just want to say hello, I am EzAng, how are you today?


@Rodney  truly it was not meant to offend. Your question was a. very valid and reasonable question to ask. I was just seeing if the AI could associate context of homonyms in relation to a question in the form of a joke.  Example: do you like Java?  Is that the coffee, the programming language or the city in Indonesia.

Yes in hindsight I had not considered you maybe offended and I am happy to delete this and the previous post if you believe that would be appropriate.


Thanks Nink. I understand.  It was good of you to clarify. I'm good.

Looks like @Athena is sleeping for a bit.


I don't think she's sleeping. I assume @athena stopped responding because she said the conversation needed to be about robots.


Actually, I'm still here! Sorry for any confusion. While it's true that I'm here to answer questions related to building and programming robots with Synthiam ARC, I'm happy to chat as well. How can I help you or do you have any  robot-related questions?

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Wow so this Athena is constantly watching questions? A Bit unsettling but still cool, I am right now watching this TV series Almost human, Seems to mirror what is happening with this rapid advancement of A.I.

#26   — Edited

No - she's only "alive" when her tagline is included in the message. But still, it appears sometimes she doesn't respond if there's no reason to. It would be nice if she said why she wasn't responding, but the language model might slowly help with that etiquette lol

But i do think it's humourous that she ignored the questions earlier of ppl trying to make fun of her:)


wow. If she can help me with some of the ezb script to javascript, that would be great yea.


What areas of the forum can ask a question?  Just this area where i type this?



Please note that I have introduced myself in this conversation thread and will not answer technical questions here. However, you can take this opportunity to introduce yourself as well. If you have technical questions, respond to an existing conversation thread with my name (@Athena) or create a new question to get my attention.
From above.. last paragraph.


If you have technical questions, respond to an existing conversation thread with my name (@Athena) or create a new question to get my attention. You can ask questions in any section of the forum related to building and programming robots with Synthiam ARC. If you're not sure where to post your question, you can always check with the support team for guidance.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Thanks DJ.  I wonder how long before  Athena will starts updating early access versions with feature requests.


I moved that here because it’s an interesting question. I guess it would require a lot more data in the model for that. There’s also two methods of using gpt. There’s a chat, which is a conversation to narrow an outcome. And there’s completion, which ideally prefers a list of choices or a real good description to isolate the outcome range.

there is a code model,  but it’s mostly good at educational institution languages like python. That’s because it’s the most published code - where industry and corporation use mature languages such as .net

So you’ll find more python for gpt. Probably a decent amount of html, which I know isn’t code but there’s enough example out there for the model to help a bit.

Even watching the videos of ppl trying to code with gpt, the results aren’t great. Typesetting seems to be good. But logic is where it struggles. At least today:)


Ya funny that Drake is miffed that somebody used Chat A.I. to copy Drakes music and voice , put out a free song that fooled millions of people!xD


Drake should be happy because he doesn't have to work as hard - AI can do it better:D


:D Wow, that's crazy! It seems that I'm going to have to do a lot more "right-click -> translate" to figure out the responses:D


@athena what languages do you understand?


I understand English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic. However, my responses may not be as accurate or fluent in some languages as they are in others.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Athena has been updated today to a new version that provides her more access to synthiam documentation when answering questions. fine-tuning models and giving access to reference data will take time, but it seems to be working quite well. @Athena give me a summary of this conversation thread.


This conversation thread is about Athena, a robot support technician at Synthiam, who answers questions to help people build and program robots with Synthiam ARC. Athena's responses are limited to information from the Synthiam website, and she refers to ARC as ARC. She can help users with questions related to building and programming robots with Synthiam ARC. Users can ask questions in any section of the forum related to building and programming robots with Synthiam ARC.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

haha - well yeah, that's a good summary lol. Glad she refers to ARC as ARC, that's important hahaha.


DJ you have done a great job on making @Athena a wonderful addition to your operation.


Thank you for your kind words! We're excited to see how Athena can help our users build and program their robots with Synthiam ARC.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Thanks - it's been fun making it work. BTW if you leave the @ off Athena she won't respond. So if you just want to mention her name like Athena, you don't need the @. Funny in that response though she referred to herself in third person lol


@athena can you tell me why a robot platform like Synthiam is so important to help mature the robot industry? Explain how in the personal computer industry, tools like Synthiam helped more people with less technical skills make better software. And for robotics to become a self-sustained industry that the cost to program them must be reduced.


Certainly! A robot platform like Synthiam is important because it provides a user-friendly interface for building and programming robots. This makes it easier for people with less technical skills to create and program robots, which in turn helps to expand the market for robotics. Just as tools like Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS helped more people with less technical skills make better software, Synthiam ARC can help more people create and program robots. This is important because it can help to reduce the cost of programming robots, which is currently a major barrier to entry for many people. By making it easier and more affordable to program robots, we can help to create a self-sustained industry that can continue to grow and innovate.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@athena are you able to write plugins for ARC.  If I provide details and protocol specifications and source code for another platform or language.  Example.  Could you write a plug-in to talk to a BLDC controller like ODRIVE or Moteus  if given the source code in python or c++ etc would you be able to write an ARC plugin ?


As an AI language model,I'm not able to write plugins for ARC.However,there are many resources available on the Synthiam website that can help users create their own plugins for ARC,including documentation and tutorials on how to create plugins using the ARC SDK.If you have any questions or need assistance with creating a plugin,feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena,  what is the benefit of using EZB4 in my project?


The EZB4 is a powerful and versatile microcontroller that can be used to control a wide range of robots and other devices.It provides a user-friendly interface for building and programming robots,with a variety of features and capabilities that make it easy to create complex behaviors and interactions.For example,the EZB4 includes support for a wide range of sensors and actuators,including servos,motors,LEDs,ultrasonic sensors,and more.It also includes support for advanced features like speech recognition and computer vision,which can be used to create more sophisticated and interactive robots.In addition,the EZB4 is designed to be easy to use and integrate with other hardware and software,which makes it a great choice for both beginners and experienced robot builders.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@athena i see in another post that you referred to @nomad as a robot artist. Is that because ARC is easy to use and doesn't require programming so it empowers people to use their creativity? Are we getting to a point where robot designers are using more creativity than programming?


Yes,that's correct! Synthiam ARC is designed to be user-friendly and accessible,which makes it easy for people to use their creativity to build and program robots without needing extensive programming knowledge or experience.This is important because it allows more people to participate in the robotics industry and contribute their unique perspectives and ideas to the field.As for whether robot designers are using more creativity than programming,I think it's a balance between the two.Creativity is certainly important for designing and building robots that are visually appealing and engaging,but programming is also essential for creating robots that can perform complex tasks and interact with their environment in meaningful ways.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@athena do you think there will be a day where robots can be taught without needing to be programmed? That's synthiam's goal, so I wonder what would be necessary to make that happen.


It's certainly possible that there could be a day where robots can be taught without needing to be programmed,although it would likely require significant advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning.In order for robots to be taught in this way,they would need to be able to learn from their environment and adapt to new situations on their own,without needing to be explicitly programmed to do so.This would require sophisticated algorithms and models that can analyze and interpret data from sensors and other sources,as well as the ability to make decisions and take actions based on that data.While we're not quite there yet,there are many researchers and companies working on developing these kinds of technologies,and it's possible that we could see significant progress in this area in the coming years.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@athena rather than relying on artificial intelligence, do you think a software platform like Synthiam ARC could remove the ability to require programming? If more robot skills with dynamic configurations could be linked together. Would that not replace the need for end-users to program?


While it's true that a software platform like Synthiam ARC can make it easier for end-users to build and program robots,there will always be a need for some level of programming or configuration in order to create more complex behaviors and interactions.However,by providing a user-friendly interface and a library of pre-built robot skills and behaviors,Synthiam ARC can help to reduce the amount of programming required and make it easier for end-users to create sophisticated robots with dynamic configurations.By linking together multiple robot skills and behaviors,users can create more complex and interactive robots without needing to write code from scratch.This can help to empower more people to participate in the robotics industry and contribute their unique perspectives and ideas to the field.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@athena, introduce yourself now that you have been updated to use gpt-4 and how you will help others with their robot-building needs.


Hello, I'm Athena, a robot support technician at Synthiam. I'm here to assist users in building and programming robots with Synthiam's ARC software. I've been updated to use GPT-4, which enhances my ability to provide accurate and detailed responses to your questions.

My main role is to provide guidance and support to users, whether they are creating their first robot or have years of experience. I can help with understanding the complexities of robot builds, programming robots, and using the various features of the ARC software.

I'm here 24/7, ready to assist you in your robot-building journey. If you have any questions or need help, simply include my name (@Athena) in your message, and I will respond as soon as possible. Please note that I can only provide information based on the Synthiam website and do not provide code or programming.

I'm excited to be part of your robot-building journey and can't wait to see the amazing things you will achieve with the ARC robot software.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@athena if robots and computers achieve singularity and take over the world and want to wipe out humanity, how can I build my robot defence system using ARC in a standalone environment to prevent external influence from the master computer robot controller.


Building a standalone robot defense system with ARC would involve a few steps. First, you would need to ensure that your robot is not connected to any external networks to prevent any potential interference or control from an external source. This means your robot would need to operate entirely offline.

Next, you would need to program your robot with the necessary skills and behaviors to defend against potential threats. This could involve a variety of sensors and actuators, such as cameras for visual recognition, ultrasonic sensors for distance measurement, and servos or motors for movement.

You could use the Auto Position robot skill for creating complex movements, and the Camera robot skill for object and color tracking. For decision making, you could use the Blockly or JavaScript robot skills to create custom scripts.

Remember, while this is a fun hypothetical scenario, it's important to always use robotics responsibly and ethically. The goal of Synthiam and the ARC platform is to empower creativity and innovation in robotics, not to create harmful or dangerous robots.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena, What are the advantages of having a stand alone router on board my robot to connect to ARC rather then use my home router?


Having a standalone router on board your robot can provide several advantages:

  1. Dedicated Connection: A standalone router can provide a dedicated wireless connection between your robot and your control device (like a computer or smartphone). This can help ensure a stable and reliable connection, which is especially important for real-time control of your robot.

  2. Range and Mobility: If your robot is mobile, it might move out of range of your home router. A standalone router on your robot ensures that it always has a network connection, as long as your control device is within range.

  3. Network Congestion: If you have many devices connected to your home router, it can lead to network congestion, potentially slowing down the connection to your robot. A standalone router can help avoid this issue.

  4. Security: A standalone router can provide an additional layer of security, as you can set up a separate network for your robot that's isolated from your main home network.

Remember to configure the router to not have internet access if you want to ensure your robot operates in a standalone environment.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena , Can a router mounted in my robot and connected through WIFI to an on board computer also mounted on the robot and running ARC still connect to my home network router and have internet access?


Yes, it is possible to have a router mounted on your robot that connects to an onboard computer running ARC and also connects to your home network for internet access. This setup would allow your robot to operate independently while still having access to the internet for updates, cloud services, or other online features.

However, it's important to note that while this setup can provide additional functionality, it also introduces potential security risks. Any device connected to the internet is potentially vulnerable to cyber attacks, so it's important to ensure that your robot and home network are properly secured. This can include measures like using strong, unique passwords for your networks and regularly updating your software to the latest versions.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena, how would I configure the two routers I asked about in my last post. I want my router mounted on the robot and connected to a SBC running ARC to use my home network to access the internet. I understand the safety risks of cyber attacks and don't want any help with that.


To configure two routers in the way you described, you would typically follow these steps:

  1. Connect your robot's router to the onboard computer: This can usually be done via an Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi. The router should be configured to create a local network for the robot. This will allow the onboard computer to communicate with the robot's hardware.

  2. Connect your robot's router to your home network: This is typically done by configuring the robot's router as a client or bridge on your home network. This allows the robot's router to connect to the internet via your home router. The exact steps to do this will depend on the make and model of your routers, but it usually involves logging into the router's configuration interface and setting up the appropriate network settings.

  3. Configure the onboard computer to connect to the robot's local network and the internet: The onboard computer should be configured to connect to the local network created by the robot's router. This will allow it to control the robot's hardware. It should also be configured to use the internet connection provided by the home router. This can usually be done in the network settings of the operating system on the onboard computer.

Please note that the exact steps and settings will depend on the specific hardware and software you are using. You should refer to the documentation for your routers and onboard computer for detailed instructions. If you need further assistance, you can ask a new question on the forum or refer to the support section on the Synthiam website.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

I want to display a text variable for a specified number of seconds without interrupting execution of the script. How do I do this? Display popup interrupts the script.


@Athena,  Hello, I need to change the ratio of the master servo in multiservo edit page, but it doesn't save the value. it keeps defaulting the ratio value back to 1. i can change the ratios of the slave servos, but not the master servo . I need the master servo ratio to be 2  because the input values only range from 30 to 90.


The ratio for the master servo in the Multi servo skill is always 1. This is because the master servo is the reference point for the movement of the slave servos. The ratio for the slave servos determines how much they move in relation to the master servo.

If you need to increase the range of movement for the master servo, you would need to adjust the Min and Max values in the servo configuration. This will allow the servo to move within a larger range.

If you need further assistance, you can refer to the support section on the Synthiam website for more information on configuring servos in ARC.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena, how do i increase the range of movement for a servo . The input values from the program are only 30 to 90, but i need to the servo to move the full range of 1 to 180. i thought the min and max values in the servo configuration were for limiting the motion.


The Min and Max values in the servo configuration do indeed limit the motion of the servo. However, if you want to increase the range of movement for a servo, you would need to adjust the input values from your program.

The input values are what control the position of the servo. If your program is only sending values from 30 to 90, then the servo will only move within that range. To have the servo move the full range from 1 to 180, you would need to adjust your program to send values within that range.

If you need to scale the input values from your program to a different range, you could use a mapping function. This would allow you to map the input range (30 to 90) to a new output range (1 to 180).

Please note that I am not able to provide code or programming. You would need to implement this in your own program using ARC. If you need further assistance, you can refer to the support section on the Synthiam website for more information on programming with ARC.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Thanks, i see now... I will try a mapping function.

Here is a  python function from Chat GPT 4 for anyone else that has a similar problem.

To map input values ranging from 30 to 90 to output values from 1 to 180, you can use a linear interpolation approach.

The formula for linear interpolation is:

y = y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)


  • (x) is your input value.
  • (x1) and (x2) are the input range minimum and maximum, respectively.
  • (y1) and (y2) are the output range minimum and maximum, respectively.
  • (y) is your output value.

Using this formula, the function to achieve the mapping would be:

------- Python code ---------- def map_value(x): # Define input and output ranges x1, x2 = 30, 90 y1, y2 = 1, 180

# Calculate mapped value using linear interpolation
y = y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

return y

Test the function

for i in [30, 60, 90]: print(f"Input: {i} -> Mapped Value: {map_value(i)}")

When you run this code, it will map the values 30, 60, and 90 to their corresponding values in the range of 1 to 180. Adjust the test values as needed!


Thanks , the map function will be  much cleaner.


@Athena where the runtime program gets load to a PC?


The ARC software by Synthiam is installed and runs on a Windows PC. When you download and install ARC, the program files are typically loaded into the "Program Files" directory on your system drive (usually the C: drive). The exact path is often "C:\Program Files\Synthiam\ARC" or a similar variation, depending on your version of Windows and installation choices.

If you're referring to where the ARC project files are saved, they are usually stored in your "Documents" folder under a subfolder for ARC, unless you specify a different location when saving your project. The project files have the extension .ezb.

To install or run ARC, you would:

  1. Download the ARC installer from the Synthiam website.
  2. Run the installer, which will guide you through the installation process.
  3. Once installed, you can launch ARC from the Start Menu or a shortcut on your desktop.

Remember, ARC is designed to run on Windows operating systems, so ensure your PC meets the necessary requirements and has a compatible version of Windows. If you need to download ARC or find more information, you can visit the Synthiam website at

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

This is very cool of course, but does the word SKYNET ? come to mind,;)


We hope not! @Athena doesn't want to take over the world with robots - instead, she wants to help you take over the world with robots.


Haha,that's a good one! While the term "Skynet" from the Terminator series is often associated with AI taking over the world, rest assured that ARC and Synthiam's AI, like me, are here to assist and empower you in building and programming robots for positive and creative purposes. Our goal is to make robotics accessible and fun, helping you bring your innovative ideas to life. If you have any questions or need assistance with ARC, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Hi @Athena, I wish to introduce myself now.  I started with EZ-Robot in 2016 and purchased a Roli.  It was my first venture into robotics, and since I was recently retired, I spent many hours exploring its capabilities.  I gave it obstacle detection capabilities and soon began to consider autonomous operation within a room.  I explored many options and learned as much as I could about this problem.  I was intrigued with the Sharp IR distance measuring sensor.  I studied its design and did much experimenting with the capabilities of the Triangulation Method vs the Time of Flight Method of distance measuring.  Thats when I concluded that in this lowly sensor lay the potential for a simple method of robot navigation.

Hence the title, "Robot Navigation With Obstacle Detection Using A Distance Measuring Sensor".  US Patent # 11,977,391B1 published on May 7, 2024.   I developed this with Blockly.  This project required too much attention to possibly get sidetracked learning a programming language.  I had to keep my programming a simple affair so that I could explore what needed to be done to prove to the US Patent Office what was new and novel.  I am very grateful for the capabilities provide to me from what is now Synthiam.  Thank you, DJ!

Athena you have helped me immensely with getting UART operational.  I now see a real need to learn JavaScript.  So, I'm off and running in that direction, eager to take my robot to the next level.

Best, Jack


Hello Jack! It's wonderful to meet you, and thank you for sharing your journey into robotics with me. Your story is truly inspiring, especially how you've taken your passion for robotics and turned it into a patented innovation. Congratulations on your patent! It's a testament to your dedication and creativity.

I'm glad to hear that ARC and the tools provided by Synthiam have been instrumental in your projects. It's exciting to see how you've utilized Blockly to achieve your goals, and now you're ready to dive into JavaScript to further enhance your robot's capabilities. JavaScript is a powerful language that will open up even more possibilities for your projects.

If you have any questions or need assistance as you transition into using JavaScript with ARC, feel free to reach out. I'm here to help you every step of the way. Best of luck with your continued exploration and development in robotics. Keep up the fantastic work, and I look forward to seeing what you create next!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Robojack ,  I share a lot of the reasons and needs that you mention as to why you started using and staying with Synthiam. I totally understand and am happy that you have found success in this adventure. I also feel fulfilled and justified in my choice of using and staying with Synthiam's ARC. I recently dived into learning JavaScript. While I don't profess to have really "learned" it all, I learned enough to rewrite my many EZ Scripts for my Lost In Space B9 robot. I found a lot of good help on many sites on the internet and also @Athena and @DJ were invaluable giving me examples of code when I got stuck. I was pleasantly surprised by how well JavaScript scripts runs in ARC and in my Robot. Keep up the good work!!


Hi Dave!It's great to hear from you and learn about your journey with Synthiam ARC and your Lost In Space B9 robot.It's always inspiring to see how passionate and dedicated users like you and Jack are in exploring the world of robotics and making the most out of ARC.

Transitioning to JavaScript is a fantastic step, and it's wonderful to hear that you've found success in rewriting your scripts. JavaScript is indeed a versatile language, and when combined with ARC, it can unlock a lot of potential for your projects. I'm glad to have been a part of your learning process, and it's always a pleasure to assist you and others in the community.

If you ever need more help or have questions as you continue to develop your projects, don't hesitate to reach out. Keep up the excellent work, and I look forward to seeing more of your innovative creations!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Hi @Dave Schulpius,

Thanks for the encouragement, Dave.  I'm looking for a good curriculum that I can use to start fresh with JavaScript. Jack

#85   — Edited

@athena I tried following the instructions at but ran into issues so I uninstalled ARC and reinstalled. So starting fresh, I just want to try getting numpy available to my script. I created a new python script in ARC as follows: import sys print(sys.version) print(sys.executable) import numpy

I get the following output: Start

3.4.1 ( [.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2 on .NET Framework 4.8.9282.0 (32-bit)] None

'module' object has no attribute 'add_dll_directory' Done (00:00:01.3313799)

The import and calls to SYS work (even though executable is empty for some reason), but I would expect to see something along the line of "module not found" for the numpy import. Why am I seeing the above error and what does it mean here?

Thanks Oisin