
@DJ And Your Music

Hey DJ, I've been thinking about the music you used to write and produce. I really liked the stuff you created. I haven't found any lately. Have you worked on this area of your interests lately or is it a past passion?

Any chance of posting a link to your music library that could be either listened to or bought? Sometimes I put background music into my robot project sound bites and I love your work.


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Ah thanks Dave. I had as a stress relief up until a year ago. That’s because since April of 2021, I’ve been a bushman hermit. Haha I’ve been living at my cabin. So there is no music equipment here because it’s all at my house in calgary. My house is 2,200 km from here lol!

I haven’t published anything in such a long time. When I write sone tracks, they’re saved to my drive and I don’t really revisit them. Now that you mention it, I should publish them more often.

it’s funny to think of when I started ezrobot and built that walle. Because before that my internet presence was about music. So all the news papers write musical disc jockey makes robot haha


LOL! Great story. The first time I found EZ Robot was when I saw that Walle video not too long after you introduced the v3 EZB. I know it was something I could do as a armature and would change the B9 Robot I was building into something never seen before.  I'll keep an eye out for future releases of your music. Living up there in Gods country should give you tons of inspiration.


I remember there was an unlisted Wall-E video uploaded in 2008, something interesting was the music. DJ Sures about 14 years ago answered a comment of where someone asked what the name of the song was and the album, one of Sures albums was named Digital Circuit tree or a name similar to that. I found the video from a comment on Dj Sures’s channel. if this was not meant to be leaked you have the right to take this comment down if needed.


Also i have a Walle robot that is similar to the robot that dj has, cant get it open though.