Unleash your creative potential with AI-Assisted Robot Programming, eliminating complex coding and simplifying advanced robotics technology.
Track and detect faces, objects, colors, glyphs and more
Create and experiment with animations and movement gaits using servo-motors
Create conversational personalities with sentiment using a combination of services
Access state of the art speech recognition services across multiple languages
Reach more customers by creating a robot skill for the Synthiam's Skill Store.
Advanced navigation using LIDAR, SLAM and Indoor Positioning Systems
Synthiam bridges the gap between robot builders, AI/ML experts, and technology creators, fostering a vibrant community that amplifies the number of individuals crafting robots while simultaneously reducing development costs.
Synthiam ARC provides robot builders with a toolbox of technologies for prototyping and development of robot products with an AI powered platform.
Robot builders program robots using AI without the risk and cost of creating full-stack technologies.
Synthiam’s low-code AI robot platform provides robot builders with a modular, easy and interchangeable development environment.
The Robot Skill Store is the leading distribution channel of sensors, cloud services, and peripherals used by robot builder customers.
Robot builder customers want to integrate technologies into their products seamlessly.
Publish sensors, cloud services, or peripheral products in the skill store as modular packages for robot builders to purchase and use.
Exosphere gives robots the ability to perform tasks by combining autonomous artificial intelligence and remote-controlled human operators.
Use real-world robot data during development and training to increase the precision of product operation.
Exosphere connector provides bi-directional communication to query data, define skills, and control robots to perform tasks autonomously.