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Country: Denmark
Member Since:


  • 2015-05-07 - joined Synthiam
  • 2015-05-07 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2016-02-01 - created first new question
  • 2016-02-02 - created a custom avatar
  • 2017-10-17 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2018-03-13 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text

Latest submissions

Speech Synthesis Markkup Language

Speech Synthesis Markkup Language

I was wondering whether it is possible to use elements from the Speech Synthesis Markup Language to modify the speech output using EZ-script? Or if there...

Acknowledging Work

Ive just completed a series of user studies with some of my master students, the analyses of which will be part of their theses. In the studies we used the EZ-Robot along with some plugins developed by the community, for example the Watson and Kinect plugins, made available by @ptp. Im wondering how to acknowledge the work made available by...

Plugin Tutorial

I was going through the tutorial on creating a plugin. In the SendCommand section I was struck a little by this: public override object[] GetSupportedControlCommands() { List cmds = new List(); . . . Isnt there an argument missing here? At least this is what I had to specify to get it working: Listlt;stringgt; cmds = new Listlt;stringgt;();

End Repeat/Repeatuntil/Repeatwhile

I was going through different types of loops in ez-script and noticed that the help text mentioned that repeatwhile loops should be ended with endrepeatwhile, but in the examples that are given for repeatuntil, repeatwhile and repeat all are ended with endrepeat. I also couldnt notice any difference when ending loops with endrepeat rather than...
Video Recording From Ezb Camera

Video Recording From Ezb Camera

I have a JD bot. I cant seem to save recordings from the ezb camera. According to the log there is no write access to the AVI file. Ive tried different save...

Outputting Snapshop From Videostream In C++

Has any one had success with setting up a camera stream and saving a snapshot to a file using c++? This is what I have so far: EZ_B::EZB ^ezb; ezb = gcnew EZ_B::EZB(MyEZB); EZ_B::Camera ^ezbCam; ezbCam = gcnew EZ_B::Camera(ezb); ezbCam-StartCamera(EZ_B::Camera::GetVideoCaptureDevices()[1], 320, 240); ezbCam-SaveImageAsJPEG(c:\test.jpg); I can...

Ezb Jd With Attention Spotter

In a collaboration between Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and University of Southern Denmark weve been working to get an attention spotter to run with the EZ-B JD. The spotter which originally was developed for the iCub robot, uses an Asus Xtion 3D sensor to track a human and any objects that come close. Heres a short video of our work:...

Ez_B Namespace In New C++ Project

I am having some trouble getting visual studio (vs2013) to recognize the EZ_B namespace in a new c++ project. It works fine in the example project from the SDK though. However, because of other components (specifcally YARP) I need to compile using CMake. My CMakeLists.txt looks like this: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8.9) SET(PROJECTNAME ez)...

Listen To Eventhandler In C++ Without Gui

Im attempting write a small c++ cli program with which I can connect to and control each servo. However, I am running in to the problem of making the connection without using a gui. Does anyone have an idea of how I can listen to the eventhandler without using the gui? What I have so far is this: #include #include #include quot;stdafx.hquot; using...
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