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Country: Canada
Member Since:


  • 2012-05-17 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-06-24 - created first new question
  • 2014-07-27 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-12-23 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-04-02 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder

Latest submissions


Avast Not Allowing Connection To Ez-B V4

Configured the v4 in client mode, it connected to my network, its pingable and I can access the v4 Wi-Fi Robot Controller web page from the desktop. The problem came up when trying to connect to the v4 from builder. Tried the scan, the v4 chirped when the address was hit, but would not display the address for selection. The forums mentioned AVAST...

Plugin Manager Install Directory Assumes C:\Users

Any way to make the plugin manager ask where to install the plugins ? or can we run the manager manually. Not all accounts are on the C:\ drive and would need to direct it to the proper directory. While we are on the subject, could the manager and the ARC stay away from the public directory structures. Thanks, Andre

Auto Arrange And Gui Questions

When opening a project from the EZ-Cloud , an Auto Arrange popup asks to arrange controls for your desktop, giving you the choice. But when opening a project from the local PC, you are not prompted for auto arrange and it automatically does the auto arrange. Also noticed the Controls tab is not the same when a opening a project from the EZ-Cloud...

Ez-Cloud History

I like the Version History in the EZ-Cloud, it is very usefull. The question is, would that option be coming the local pc file system soon or at all ? Thanks,

No Realtime Vidoe

When adding a camera to a project, I noticed it will not display anything when in realtime video mode. Seems ok in processed video. It does record properly in realtime , just doesnt display in camera windows. Tried this on two different machines, one windows 7 other windows 8, got the same results. Running ARC Version 2014.10.12.00. Any suggestions...

V4 Always Disconnects When Adding A Dc-Ss503v100 Compass

The V4 always disconnects when adding the compass, adding the compass via the ARC or by accessing with a i2CWrite or i2Cread from a script. Same on all three i2C ports. Am connected to the 3.3v on the ss503 , have 20k pull ups on scl and sca and the wire length is @ 2cm. The only way to re-establish the connection is to cycle the power on the V4....

Ez-Script Save

Hi, I was scripting in an EZ-Script and noticed that the save button did not write to file. Needed to use the ARC save to update the disc file. Running version ARC version 2013.06.22.01 on Windows 7 Thanks, Andre
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