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Dave L

Country: USA
Member Since:


  • 2011-11-07 - joined Synthiam
  • 2011-11-07 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2011-11-11 - created first new question
  • 2012-07-05 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2014-08-30 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-12-08 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder

Latest submissions



Went in for my old guy physical this week and walked out of the Docs office with a Roomba for $10.00! After a thorough cleaning (After all it did spend a year cleaning the clinics floors), it works perfect. I...


DJ, Do you have any tutorials for using the GPS functions? I have a Bluetooth GPS that works fine on the PC. I can see the GPS data streaming in Hyperterminal. But ARC doesnt show any data. It says its connected to COM 3, but no data.

Bluetooth Drivers

DJ, I have the Bluetooth adapter you sell but purchased it off ebay. It did not come with drivers, but I remember reading your posts suggesting using Windows 7 drivers anyway so I didnt worry about it. Everything works as far as EZB is concerned, but Windows doesnt load the drivers for the other functions of the adapter i.e. audio,... Does yours...
Dogbot - Sabertooth Settings.

Dogbot - Sabertooth Settings.

Well I finally got a new Motor Controller, (unfortunately the BV4113 just didnt have the horse power, even with a cooling fan). Anyway I now have the sabertooth...


Good day folks! Anyone have recommendations for an alternative to the BV-4113 Motor Controller? Looks like my Dogbot (dog baby sitter bot) requires more power than the BV-4113 can deliver. Oddly enough...

Multiple Serial Devices On Ez-B

DJ, I see that you set both the new H-bridge and the MP3 trigger to Port D0 for the Serial communications. I already have the BV4113 Motor Controller, before I order the Sparkfun MP3 Trigger I would like to verify if I can connect one of them to an alternate port and configure it as a secong serial out port?

Memsic 2125 Dual-Axis Accelerometer

Is it possible to use the Parallax Memsic 2125 Dual-Axis Accelerometer with the EZ-B? I have worked out what I think would be the proper wiring based how it worked on the A Controller. But I do not see how I can tell the EZ-B to Read the Digital values (PWM). Thank you for ANY assistance.
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