United Kingdom
Asked — Edited

Wireless Camera: Bad Colours / Low Res


We've recently dusted of our EZ robot kit (yes, I know, we should be using it...) and I tried to get the wireless camera going.

The XP based PC correctly detects the camera but we only get low res green / pink coloured images. The same happens when I use the native MS utils - so it isn't a EZR thing.

Is this a color profile issue? Has anybody seen similar in the past and found a resolution?

I've attached an example

User-inserted image


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i had the same too, it solved by charging the battery of the camera fully~ hope it helps;)

United Kingdom

Thanks for the suggestion. Left the camera on charge all night (just the blue led when I turn it on nother rather than the red one), but still the same problem. Guess a visit to Maplin might be called for