New Zealand
Asked — Edited

Stating The Date

Just a small improvement on saying the date so that it includes 1st, 2nd and 3rd's and th's as well....

Print ("+---------------------+" ) Print ("| Announcing the Date |" ) Print ("+---------------------+" )

IF ($day=1 or $day=21 or $day=31) $day_txt=$day"st" goto (Say_date) ELSEIF ($day=2 or $day=22) $day_txt=$day"nd" goto (Say_date) ELSEIF ($day=3 or $day=23) $day_txt=$day"rd" goto (Say_date) ELSE $day_txt=$day"th" goto (Say_date) Print $day_txt ENDIF

:Say_Date Print ("$dayname, the $day_txt of $monthName.") say("$dayname, the $day_txt of $monthName.")



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