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Rover And H-Bridge.

I'm trying to get a Rover 5 chassis going with EZ and an H-298 H-Bridge. I've watched DJ's video but I have a couple of questions. I'm using an external source to power the motors, connected to vcc and gnd. I have all the signal wires connected to digital pins on the EZ.

  1. Do I need to connect the +5V line, or will the board draw power from the external (motor) power?

  2. Do I need to clip the 2 inner enable pins and bridge the remaining 2 pins and connect them to a PWM port? Or should I connect each of the outer pins to separate digital pins, and then add separate PWM panels for each motor?



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If you go into the Store and click on the "?" for the h-bridge DJ has a connection schematic for helping. He does have the 5V and GND ran to the H-bridge along with the 2 pwm lines and 2 digital lines. The two pwm lines drive each motor's speed while the digitals are used for foward or reverse.


Thanks, orwnic. I see the jumpers on the enable pins as shipped as well. Will try again. I thought it needed 2 PWM pins, 1 for each motor. Again, thanks.


@strathcona In case you are still wondering... you could use 2 PWM signals if you wished to have separate speed controls for left and right motors, or jumper both to save a digital port.

I am finding I needed to use both to regulate the speed of one side of a robot otherwise it tended to veer off to the right all the time. By using separate PWM for each motor I can correct for other mechanical or motor inequalities.


That's exactly what I did, @Gunner!