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Robot Updates

I am getting so inspired by what some of the projects are getting worked on with you guys here in the Forum,many great ideas you guys!:D The 2 bots I am updating as a result, My paranormal investigating Rad robot now has his old Arms back for holding stuff and will soon be able to rise up and rotate vertical or horizontal so that it will be able to open door knobs while investigating haunted rooms,helped by EZ cam of course. The other one is used for fun outside,It is a stripped down Gigantic RC Hummer that runs on 19 volt batteries,going to update with Lipos and my EZB-3 but will likely change to the small newer EZB tiny as it also will need EZ cam assistance in locating me as I run around attacking it with Air soft rifle. It is extremely fast out in the Flelds and can shoot very far using the 11.1 Lipo battery on the old Wal-Mart Electronic Airsoft 300 round Machine gun. It will only shoot my legs and even that leaves a small bruise! It can't be out run either it is quick! I will need to start designing better ARC scripts though,as i want to make it very challenging just like when I do real air soft battles with friends.Thanks for all the great ideas peeps, That is all, continue the fun!:)

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I would hate to be a squirrel in your yard :-)


:D LOL! Guilty as charged,squirrels and Racoons but the bears and Moose have no fear!