Another posting brought up the request for ARC based interfacing to Aurdino boards. Understandably it is not going to happen as they require their own not-so-ez-programming.
I still feel that full interfacing of the EZ-B to all other electronic devices can be beneficial, regardless of said devices origin, LED, sensor or another micro-controller. And yes programming may be required, be it EZ-Script or whatever mumbo jumbo the other device may use but the actual interface link seems to be my stumbling block right now.
So anyhow, I want to setup some simple home automation control but do not want my $136 EZ-B permanently regulated to light switch duty however, I do want to interface my simple home automation with my Gunnerator (my EZ-Bs current permanent posting) so that he can have fun "flipping switches" for me and even adjust programmed scheduling based on his own requirements. I don't have any of those "A word" devices, but I do have an old Rabbit 2000 micro-controller that uses serial interface, so I started digging around looking for ideas to interface it with my EZ-Robot setup.
I was thinking SendSerial should work to transmit to the Rabbit, but not sure how to read serial data back. There does not appear to be a ReadSerial or simple alternative?. which does seem strangely limiting! and I2C will not work easily with old school serial. Any other ideas out there?
Meanwhile I found this LINK that might assist me and others with a simple serial interface between EZ-robot and other micro-controller devices. But again, requires the ability to READ serial data. Am I missing something?