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Mobile Interface Combobox

Is there a way to use the selected value of a combobox in a script instead of the index?

I added a combobox to the mobile controller with a list of items. When I select the item I want to have the EZB repeat it. This is the groundwork for the robot to address people directly after their introduced.

Example: Combobox has 3 items. 0-What's your name? 1-Hayley 2-Mason

Here is my current script tied to the combobox.

if ($SelectedIndex = "0") SayEZB("What is your name") elseif ($SelectedIndex = "1") SayEZB("Hello Hayley") elseif ($SelectedIndex = "2") SayEZB("Hello Mason") endif

Is there a variable for the value of the selected item that I can reference instead of hard coding the names in the script? For example:


Thanks in advance for any guidance. JP


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