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Making A Design For Ir Control Using Ezb And Interface To Ezb

I am making a small design to use with EZB to control robosapiens and other IR control robots without direct connection

IF it works on my robosapien models it work on any other robots,so you dont need to hack the robots if you dont want too,plus able to control other robots with IR too

IT will take a few parts ,first building the carrier frequency first and then use a gate to mix both data and carrier frequency

THEN as DJ adds more codes for IR controlled robots it will work for them too

QUESTION for DJ are you able to add a interface to EZB for adding IR CODES IR codes are easy to find all you need is a USB-UIRT and free software to get the code from the remote by the learning mode free software for the ir code is EVENTGHOST

The usb-uirt is about $50 to $65,there are a few others like it but at much higher price and does less,and it supports many softwares good thing about adding IR codes and my circuit is that it can control anything in your house with IR using EZB


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SOON will be getting in my parts to build (i hope),not from china too and have some parts at home,if works it will be low cost and should fit in a small radio shack board


Still taking a long time to get my parts in ,it will use a very tiny radio shack protoboard and 2 chips and IR transmiter ,plus a crystal ,UNDER $10 total cost


DJ you get one for free,since you are great programmer and did so much help on the EZ -FORUM

I will post a few ideas on how this board is great for use on EZB