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Kit For Sale - Send To Brazil.

Dj goodnight! would like to know when u have the whole kit for venda.e how do we send u to Brazil? greatly enhances the rate of export to you? we could try to do a more in mind?


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Hi MetronRick.

Bom saber que tem mais brasileiros interessados na revolução robótica. I´ll write in english, so people around the world can follow any subjects we discuss here, ok ?

I bougth a couple of ez-b kits and h-bridges. The one I bougth from this site took me almost 3 months to get to me, but it was due our stupid customs procedures...

The one I bougth from, I asked a friend who lives in canada to bring to me... it was delivery overnigth.

Enfim, Demora! mas chega... rsrsrs E tem um custo consideravel de retirada nos correios. Mas vale a pena! É legal demais! abs, Tevans


can you send your facebook profile to me, tevans?