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Hiding The Wires Idea For Robot Project

Just a Quick update on the paranormal Rad robot project. I wanted a quick way to hide the wires and holes I drilled. So I got this idea to use chrome duct tape from watching the bogus moon landing NASA space craft and many of the robot probes. Only difference is I did not use the same NASA Gold Tin foil ,duct tape and chicken wire ,LOL! I am ready to test the bot out side but unfortunately it snowed again yesterday and rained all day today. I have a cottage where the original owner burned himself to death in a suicide ,in his van and then a few years later a younger guy did the same thing across the field in his van, nearly burned the whole forest down. so it will be interesting to have the rad-bot do an all night investigation while I sit back in the R.V. collecting any unusual sensor readings ,full spectrum pics or sounds possibly voices when amplified. should be interesting!:)


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Added some new basic script to save battery power and make the robot wander and pause randomly with voice functions,slowly learning how to loop with goto commands ,experimenting the audio now.


Would be cool sitting in an rv watching everything, you'll maybe surprise some people if they are out camping, etc haha.:P


Nice, can i have the script please? I have 2 sonic sensors. But the range is shaking from 255 to the actally range all times. Sometimes he stay in front of a wall and make 255. Do you have the same problem?


Hey there! Actually my Ultrasonic sensor has tested out working excellent in many in door and out door areas, I am getting another one today so I can add one on the left and right side on the front bumper. You may need to play around with the distance value numbers to get it working in the sweet spot. Also you need a constant 5 volt power supply for accuracy, I made a separate battery pack just for Sonars.


Do you have the new sensors with 3 cables or the old with 4 cables?

I have the old 4 cable. This has a 5V regulator. But the quality is poor.

Can i see your project or the script from your explorationbot please?


I bought the 4 wire sensors with no regulator so I use a battery pack I made for 1 sensor with 4 Energizer AA rechargeable in a plastic case with on/off switch.Thinking for 2 Sonars to share this other 9.6 Nickel battery pack I have. I did upload my script to the EZ cloud for public, I think it is likely the only script titled "Paranormal EVP investigation robot script" I Will see if I can find the Link later.


Thanks for share. I have it. THX