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Help Connecting Ed7273 Robot To Ezb

I got these 2 robots#1 "white" ED7273 cheap though unable to get feedback from Korean company that sold them (Originally 2012)..I would like to use my Makeblock Me High-Power Encoder Motor Driver ( driver uses I2C and PWM for controlling, which will meet your different needs. It comes with various pins for further development, such as SPI, I2C, UART pins.handles 8A continous ) connected to my EZB but I would also like to control the 8 Ultrasonic Distance Sensors and 4 IR that are chained together(see pictures) I want to make sure I am connecting motor driver to the EZB correctly eek #2 ED7275

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The thing about the 7275 is it has a separate controller that I think i can use see pics. Any help would be appreciated

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