Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by RobertL184!

Get Sound Out Of Mp3 Trigger

The power light to the mp3 is on but I do not get any sounds when I try to click through the sounds. I have a headset plugged into the mp3 and when I pull the jack back a little I hear white noise.I can hear the sounds on micro SD card when I play it on my computer.


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Are you naming the sound files correctly? Each file needs a specific name to associate it with a button press on the MP3 Trigger. The first three characters of the file name are the key. "014TRACK.MP3" or "014 Breaking Glass.mp3" will play when button 14 is pressed. There should be only one file that starts with 014.

The MP3 trigger can be used stand alone. You can test that it plays files by itself by momentarily shorting the trigger inputs. When I set up mine I checked it out standalone 1st and then under ez-b control.


There is a switch on the MP3 trigger. Toggle it to the other position and try playing the sounds again.


"There is a switch on the MP3 trigger. Toggle it to the other position and try playing the sounds again."

Ah, the old "turn it on" trick:)



Thanks for all the advice,but I can not get any sound out of the mp3 trigger when I try it stand alone. The only other switch I see is a USB to a EXT. When I switch it to EXT the power light goes out. Side note,the status light goes on for about 10 second,blinks ones then goes out when I turn the power on. confused


From the user's manual at sparkfun:

When power is applied to the MP3 Trigger v2, the on-board (green) status LED indicates the state of the installed media as follows: 1 long blink - No formatted microSD media found. 1 long blink, followed by 1 short blink - microSD media found, no MP3 files located. Constant short blinks - Hardware problem with MP3 Decoder. 3 short blinks - microSD media found, at least 1 MP3 file located.

As soon as the MP3 Trigger powers up with 3 short blinks, the on-board navigation switch can be used to play all of the tracks on the card, regardless of the filenames. Left - Plays the previous MP3 file in the directory Right - Plays the next MP3 file in the directory Center - Starts/Stops the current MP3 file

Sounds like it might not be seeing the microsd card.


Thank's Robert L,

Is sound like my problem is that the mp3 is picking up the micro SD card but no mp3 files located.

Thank you all for your input.
