Asked — Edited

Faulty ... Something ???

Just got my Wall-E platform to a mobile stage and am trying out the ultrasonic radar control.

Basic movement works ok and I can see the radar validly measuring distance to objects.

But when I try letting it go on automatic, the robot hits the minimum set distance when it should turn - the ez-b board reboots.

I'm also not getting much range on the bluetooth - barely 3 metres; and it sometimes takes 3 or four tries on power on before I even get a red light on the bluetooth board.

Any ideas ?



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Sounds like low power issues. Be sure you have fresh or just recharged batteries.


For the ping sensor, are you aware it is no longer calibrated to inches? Recent release increased the range to about 70" and it now reports in 255 increments. Seems to be close to centimeters, maybe a little less. When I increased my minimum distance from 10 to 40 I stopped hitting walls.


Power it is then.

I found the supplied battery case holds the cells very tight - often away from the contacts - fixed.

Distance units were no problem - I could see the distance count down to failure.

Thanks guys.