— Edited
Hi, today i have become for my Project a Rover. This works great, when i use the Rover in the torso from JD. But when i put this in my Roli, i have no function.
Battery is full loaded and i have check the contact. 8,38V When i activate, the EZB makes nothing. No flashing, no sounds, really nothing.
Its same as its off.
What can i do? I have check the distance from the Pins and the contacts, but its all ok.
Its really stupid.
Does it work if you place it back into JD? You may have a blown fuse.
One thing you can do is adjust the power connection contact on Roli. They may be lose. There's a tutorial in Learn section on how to do all this.
I have make this part from the Tutorial from the pins.
The fuse can not be broken. I measured the voltage at the connector, Which goes to the EZB. The fuse is OK. If the defect, I would have no 8.38V.
I have control the voltage and i have put a visible duct tape on the male connections and after connection i have see, the male contacts go in the right holes. The connection is completly right.
I have no idea, what can i do.
Does the EZB need magnets from the JD? This is the only thing that is different. However, the whole system is a universal system. I do not believe that this EZB is tied to JD.
When i use the connection from JD and i use the wires from Roli. Its work korrect.
And i have make colour an the male connection pins. After connection was the colour away. So i think, the connection is complete.
Sorry, Google translate is good, but not great. Are you measuring the voltage at the pins inside the Roli where it connects to the EZ-B? Roli does have an internal fuse between the battery and the connecting pins.
Yes, i have measure the voltage at the Pins inside Roli.
Battery >> Fuse >> Pin << Measure
One last thought then is to make sure the positive and negative are correct. Measure the pins on your JD, and make sure the positive is on the same pin in the ROLI.
Nothing else (other than a loose connection, which you already ruled out) makes sense.
Now, i have remove the EZB from his case. So i can see and control the correct connection better
Without Case works in JD, but not in Roli. Its really stupid.
Now i have share the EZB. So i can measure the electric directly onboard. In this picture you see the voltage from the EZB. But the EZB does not work.
Any other Ideas?
I have try a new akku and a new fuse.
I have no luck with this project.
found the error. @techguru , you are right.
Its the polarity.
Fortunately, the E.Z.B. has a polarity reversal protection.
The service and support is great, but the Quality from some parts of the hardware need a update. I hope, its for the moment only.
This is extremely annoying.
I could be wrong, but I think that Roli doesn't sell as much as the other robots and some of the early QA issues are still showing up in shipped product. My Roli that was in the first shipment ever had the H-bridge wired wrong, and we still fairly regularly hear that complaint.
This is the first I have seen the power harness wired backwards though.
Sorry you are experiencing these issues.
Ahh, the story with the quality ends never;-(
Today i want to test my 2 Sonic sensors. I have buy 2 sensors in November. I was new with my Robot and have test other stuff.
One sensor was sometimes working but the other sensor was not working. I have check this little electronic in the cable.
This is really bad. All cables are broken inside the hull. Problems with care? The plumps are really big and has become to many heating. One cable is broken and splitting and make all times a short circuit. From the 8 cablepoints are 4 ok. This is not funny.
Now i have fix this issue.
All cables i have removed and soldered. Then I put a cable binding to the stability. Now I have a shrink tube attached to each side. I hope this holds better.
That distance sensor model was discontinued 6 months ago for the reason you posted. If you look at the store page for the current distance sensor, you will see there is no longer that pcb and uses 3 wires now (not 4). It's been resolved 6 months ago.
Hmm, sounds good for all other user but not for me. ;-) Thanks for your statement.
I have a lot of problems with both sensors. The values fluctuate extremly. Its really rainbow. I can push this direct in the trash. This is really hard.
I must order and try new. Stupid is, all retailer near me have only the old sensors. I contact the EZ Support for new delivery.
When are the chat online times?
Sticko the kit i ordered recently and have now from a retailer here in australia needed the comm upgrade so i just ordered directly from ez-robot here, worst thing is the shipping time, Canada isn't close.
But then we are far away from just about everyone.
Omg i forgot about that thanks TTG.
I remember Andres telling me in an email, oh my memory banks need formatting honestly.
The deliverytime is not the problem. From china to me, i wait only 5-7 days.
You have to pay tax, service payment and duty in Germany afterwards. When you buy for 40 Dollar 2 Sensors. You pay 55 Euro for Tax and shiment all include.
Today i have become my new sensors.
First i have try this in Port D23. I can start and use all, when the sensor is paused. When i activate the Sensor, the EZB disconnect instantly. D22 is the same. I have not idea, what is this. In D21 works the Sonic Sensor perfect. In the manual i read i can use this from D0 to D23.
has someone an idea for me?
Is this better when i start a new topic?
Yes @Stiko, it's probably better to start a new topic and add "Bug Report" as a tag. I have done some tests and found the following:
With the Ultrasonic distance control set to:
Trigger: D22 Echo: D22
Once unpaused, the 3-wire Ultrasonic Distance sensor works as expected.
With the Ultrasonic distance control set to:
Trigger: D23 Echo: D23
Once unpaused, The EZ-B red LED turns on, and it is locked up.
I am running an older version of ARC so @DJ may have already had a chance to look at this but only he will know.