— Edited
Hi there, Sorry if this is a noob question. I'm building my own web interface using the JD and i found these commands here: ez-move text="button title (i.e. Forward)" data-direction="forward" ez-move text="button title (i.e. Right)" data-direction="right" ez-move text="button title (i.e. Reverse)" data-direction="reverse" ez-move text="button title (i.e. Left)" data-direction="left" ez-move text="button title (i.e. Stop)" data-direction="stop" ez-script text="button title">ezscript command</ez-script> ez-camera data-controlname="Camera" data-interval="100"
I am new to this and I was wondering is there some where i can find other commands that I can put into my html Thanks
Hi - We are starting a similar project and would also like to know about which HTML tags we can use to interface our webpage with the EZ-Robot. I did find this link - if it usefull:
There are special html style tags that are used to create buttons for interaction with ARC. These buttons are AJAX, which means they do not reload the page when pressed.
This might be a place to start... https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Help.aspx?id=205