First off, I'm a programmer but I'm new to electronics and hardware so I don't really know much about the compatibility between different cards and circuits. If someone could recommend some reading material to learn this stuff I would be very happy!
I would gladly buy your motor controller, but the shipping costs are killing me since I live in Sweden.
And if i got anyone's attention I would still like an answer to this other question I asked a while ago:
This is the specifications: Dual Motor L298 H-Bridge Control kit can control two DC motors connected to it. This kit uses the famous industry standard L298 H-Bridge IC.
- Motor supply : 7 to 46 VDC
- Control Logic Supply : Standard TTL logic level
- Output DC drive to motor : upto 2 A each
- Current Sense Output available
- Onboard resistor provided for current reading
- Enable and direction control pins available
- External diode bridge provided for output
- Heatsink for IC
- Power-On LED indicator
- Power Battery Terminal (PBT) for easy input (PWR) / output (Motor) connection
- Four mounting holes of 3.2 mm each
- PCB dimensions 61 mm x 63 mm
Also, see attached image.
EDIT: You actually have to press upload, ooooops!
Thank you!
// Tobias