I hope I am wrong! Since yesterday my internet access (Wi Fi connection to modem) from my HP laptop keeps on cutting down and coming back again. As usual I started to get annoyed with our local telecommunication company providing our ADSL internet access line. Then today, I started to realize the coincidences when I switch on my EZ R camera. In other words, when I switch on the wi fi camera to experiment on EZ R, the wi fi connection from my laptop gets disconnected from my laptop, while the access from modem to telecommunications company is actually perfectly fine. I then switch off the camera and back on comes the laptop access and back to normal. But more strange the blue led wi fi indication on my HP laptop does not change colour to red when wi fi connection is lost, no it stays emitting perfect BUT the internet access bar on the windows menu taskbar on laptop screen is displaying the disconnection and off course no internet access.
I have done this ritual more than five times to make sure this is the situation that I am experiencing and indeed so.
But even if indeed so... I am still amazed by this? Is this possible? This is difficult to swallow.Very strange I would say.
Also, I find it difficult to confirm that initially when I first used the kit, this was not the situation, meaning something has changed somewhere sometime.
Helppppp please! Or is the answer windows, windows windows. Blame windows? I am using windows 7 Ultimate and my HP laptop is not that much out of date and doing fine...I suppose.
Not nice to know that I cant make use of the camera provided.
Wifi A/B/ and G all operate in the 2.4 mhz band, as does the camera. so it is possible for them to interfere. WiFi N operates at both 2.4 and 5 mhz and is less likely to see interference.
Easiest would be to try a different WiFi channel on your router. You can also re pair the camera and its dongle, which I believe will switch the specific frequency as well, but is more complex.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11#Channels_and_international_compatibility
Welcome to the world of ever crowded frequency spectrum.
You are not imagining anything, the wireless camera runs on the 2.4 GHz range, along with Bluetooth, WiFi, Microwaves some cordless phones, toys, etc
I have had the same thing with a cheepo VEX wireless camera and some wireless backup cameras (for vehicular use).
The wireless camera does not use the exact same communication method as WiFi, but its broadcast will be picked up as noise, so not totally shutting down your WiFi link, but preventing clear communication.
What you can try to do is adjust your routers channel range, while the camera is running, until you find a channel that does not pick up the "noise" as much. You could use auto channel, but they do not always change right away, and may explain why your issue can come and go, so locking down to a clear channel is my suggestion. Not sure in South Africa, but in North America there are three non-overlapping channels to chose from (from a total of 11 usable with varying degrees of overlap) Ch 1, 6, 11
I owe you six cold beers! Six nice South African cold beers.
So far so good! We have changed the channel on the router.... and yes we are learning!
Thanks Gunner for your reply too. Freddie
If I am ever in South Africa, I'll look you up