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Au.Rob #2

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This is my AU.ROB No.2 - based on an old motor wheelchair.

I use two Arduino Mega 2560, SICK laserscanner PLS100-112, kinect, two gps sensors, compas CMPS10, 12 ultrasonic distance measuring sensors and my Notebook Core i7, 4GB Ram (more than enough).

My software is written in C#. I tried to do all by myself (dont use finished software and dont copy parts of software) - for me it is a learn project. The biggest problem for me is the way detection. AU.ROB should be able to drive from point A to point B and should use only allowed ways. I use OpenStreetMap, so AU.ROB know what is a allowed way/street. Difficult is not to leave the way. GPS isnt precisely (you have a variance until to 10 meter) so GPS is just a support to reach the goal. The important part is to detect a way/street and follow them in the right direction;)

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@Arnoa Like your project ,working on something similiar at present what do you use for guidance indoor is it ultrasonic measurement & compass pat



AU.ROB isnt realy made for indoor movement. It is to big and heavy. I only can drive in one room in my flat and then I use ultrasonic and Kinect (deep-image). My odometry at the moment is not realy good, so I have a problem to determine the position and the traveled distance.

Another problem are the motor/gear - all other motors what I had stopp very fast when I remove the power - this one not ;( When I remove the power it takes seconds until the Bot stop. Its a big problem outdoor if the bot use a sloping way/street. Dont realy an idea how to solve this problem ;(

Greetings from Vienna/Austria Arno


Cheers Armoa, I'm adding a Kinect to my robot Bob soon. I'm just curious to know if your running the Kinect through your EZ-B board. I'm presently learning the Kinects applications through Arduino's but there doesn't seem to be much happening through the EZ-B.


Hi Hazbot! I dont use the EZ-B board Im using Arduino and my Kinect communicate direct with my notebook. My notebook take the image from the Kinect and analyse the image for things (primary way-detection) what I need.


Great project, I started looking into the Kinect as well and hope to work with it in a project. Just getting into it now so will be some time before I can use it in a robot project but great to see other work like this.


Hi Arnoa - I've been away for a while and getting a KINECT for Xmas. If there is no hookup for EZB by then I'm adding an Arduino to Bob. I'm in the throws of firming up a navigation system like the Eddie Bot.
