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Ps3 Wireless Joystick

Hello everyone ... quick question - is the PS3 wireless controller compatible with the EZ-B?



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@chi1davey Yes it will work with EZ-B but you may have to download some software for it to work with your version of windows first. Do some online searches and see some demos online.


Great! Thank you .... I will do that .... appreciate the help.


yes it is definitely possible, first you will need to pair the PS3 controller to your pc. the software and driver are design by motion joy, Click me for tutorial


don't use motion joy it requires internet for a reason, can't guarantee but it creates an online server. Instead of Motion Joy driver use the Better DS3 Tool. An offline alternative that is much more efficient, see to watch how to use the tool. I have played around with this DS3 Tool a little bit, worked great while I had it plugged in I just need to figure out the bluetooth but it is capable of it. Also the Motion Joy is not PS Move compatible while Better DS3 Tool might be, and it can also use XBox controllers, etc.

Trust me Better DS3 Tool is better I have learned from experience.