— Edited
Hi, i have just orderet a robot kit and want to implement it in a rc car so i can controll it from a distance. I have read a little about synapse 2,4ghz chips but i dont really know anything about the system. Is it hard to set it up? and what kind of chip should i choose? Can anyone with experience tell me a little were i should start and differet chips i can use?
@sheke I would try a Bluetooth adapter that has a external antenna . This one im posting a picture for works up to 300 ft. Take in mind Bluetooth is already 2.4 ghz

Ud 100 25 dollars on ebayhttp://www.ebay.com/itm/150913261733?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
Thanks, i dident know bluetooth could transmitt that long, a dongle is on its way
Just remember, there are two versions of the Bluetooth. Class 1 Bluetooth might work up to 100 meters (300 ft) and Class 2 Bluetooth might work up to 10 meters (30 ft)
The Bluetooth that comes with your EZ-B is a Class 2 (30 ft)
To possibly obtain an effective range of 300 feet will require that the class 2 bluetooth on the EZ-B be upgraded to a class 1 bluetooth.
The external antenna and higher mw rating extends range but yes its more effective if both Bluetooth units are upgraded. I cant imagine someone actually needing 300ft. Me and my roomate played with it and managed to get about 100 ft clear view which was as far as i could go till i hit the tree line. . Just depends on what you need.