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Encoding Character Question


I am trying to use TCP script interface client Tutorial 52

I have problem with french accent à é for example. The character is not received correctly in the TCP server and so not passed correctly to my plugin.

I have tried to change encoding in the send command code

tcpClient.Client.Send(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd + Environment.NewLine)); changed to tcpClient.Client.Send(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes(cmd + Environment.NewLine));

I try also UNICODE and UTF8 encoding.

Is there a solution ?

All is working fine if I use EZ HTTP server to send the command.

Thanks for your help


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The tcp server accepts ascii 8 bit single character byte characters, that means no encoding. Encoding requires multiple bytes per character. Your option will be to create a plugin with encoded character support.