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I Dumped My Slow Onboard The Robot Rock Pi X For A New Beelink U59 SBC

I hope you all don't mind me double posting this from it's original thread here: ROCK Pi X Has Been Discontinued. However I felt this post had a lot of off that topic information that needed it's own thread. Feel free to delete this post if I'm wrong.

In that other thread I was complaining about the Rock Pi X being discounted. However I've never been happy with it's performance in my robot as an onboard computer. That SBC is super slow and it took over 2.5 minutes to boot, start windows and ARC. @DJ said he was now using the Beelink U59 and was very happy with it. So I decided to follow his example and get one on Amazon. However after I received it I didn't like the Windows 11 ISO that it shipped with. It was recommended I downgrade to Win 10 for the sake of easily setting up this SBC to run headless in my robot and run ARC. I couldn't be happier now that the process is complete. But it was a lot of work getting to that point.

After a lot of playing around I got my Beelink U59 downgraded to Windows 10. I like this version a lot better then 11. It's familiar to me and all the information presented here on this website in the Support section on how to set up a SBC and run Headless pertains and works.

I don't have the skills or patience anymore and couldn't figure how to install the Windows 10 Lite ISO for ARC that DJ provides in the Support section of "Tips to Make a Robot" found here: LINK. That file is over 4GB and the file limit size of the Fat32 formatted flash drive I was using is 4GB. The flash drive would not accept the file. I reformatted the flash drive to exfat format (which has a file limit of 16TB) and then was able to get the file on the drive. However when I tried to boot from it, the windows file would not start the install process. I think I needed to somehow make that flash drive "Bootable" and then add DJ's windows lite file? Anyway I gave up at that point.

I found and used the Microsoft Media Creation Tool that made the process very easy to install Windows. It allows you to create installation media (USB drive or DVD) to install a new copy of Windows 10. This worked perfectly. It automatically formatted and set up my 16GB thumb drive to install any version of Windows 10 available. When I booted from that flash drive I was able to quickly install the Home Version of Win 10 over Win 11.

Installing a full version of Windows 10 on my Beelink is not an issue as far as space is concerned. It has a 500 GB HD and I have plenty of space left after install. The only concern I have in mot using DJ's Lite ISO version of Win 10 is he put a lot of effort in trimming it down by removing everything not needed and turning off services. I did follow the performance and storage tips here: LINK but I haven't worked at turning off unneeded services. Maybe later. However this little Beelink U59 is so snappy I may just leave things as is. It blows the Rock Pi X I was using out of the water in speed and graphics performance.

One other hurdle I had to jump were the Drivers for the Beelink U59. When I installed win 10 over the already working Win 11, the installation did not set up the SBC's drivers needed for it to work properly. I had no WIFI capabilities and a lot of stuff in the Device Manager was marked as not working. After digging around I was able to go to Beelink's website and get the Driver Package for this SBC. I had to manually install them though Win's Device Manager one by one. That was OK and the devices were then recognized. However I still had no WIFI or even a WIFI card being seen in Device Manager. I went back to the Beelink Driver page and found a separate U59 driver package for WIFI and Bluetooth. After downloading and installing it with a simple double click on the files I was up and fully running!

The last thing I wanted to do was make this SBC power back on automatically after the power was turned off. It's advertised as having this feature. However it needs to be turned on in the Bios. After booting into the Bios I found the setting under the Chipset tab. There's a setting called State After G3. Not very intuitive, Ugh. I had to change this state from S5 State to S0 State. Now I can shut down Windows properly, turn off the SBC, then next day I can simply apply power to the robot  and the SBC will automatically power up (without having to push the power "On" button) and boot into windows!

Thanks @DJ for suggesting this little power house!


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