Download EZB File

In order to use this app, you need Synthiam ARC software.

Rad robot mobile App & windows

Rad robot mobile App & windows
Authorrobo rad
Last updated

Mobile sonar Updated ,personality sounds.Bender,Gorf and Berzerk samples. Seems good in a medium size room or outside with mobile phone App.,Sonar works with audible beep to let you know of collision detecting left or right. For mobile App ,check the sonar Pause in windows. you can use windows sonar at same time( or just windows desktop) uncheck sonar pause ,stock 5-6 volt rad robot motors. Follow L298n H-bridge motor connections instructions by rich...

2 Sonar HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor connecting ports are front D19----D22

H bridge connections diagram to front digital EZB4.


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