In order to use this app, you need Synthiam ARC software.
B9 Robot Control
Dave Schulpius
Last updated
Date: 9/1/24. Control project for full Sized Lost in Space Robot. Working arms! Seemless I-B9 date, time & temp!! New more exact arm centering scripts. New Anamation! Smoother arm motions.
Upgrade to ARC Pro
Subscribe to ARC Pro, and your robot will become a canvas for your imagination, limited only by your creativity.
Thank you, Dave! I certainly won't be using this App verbatim, but I am sure it will be invaluable to my brother and I as we learn how to program our B9.
Thank you, Dave! I certainly won't be using this App verbatim, but I am sure it will be invaluable to my brother and I as we learn how to program our B9.